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A good manager (5)

Learning on how to become a good manager will enable you to motivate a team, learn from previous mistakes, and gain respect from your team Leadership is quite natural for some, and can be a learned skill. Use leadership skills to benefit yourself and others around you at work, school or in recreation.

Listen to those you manage. Managing is not just about talking a lot, telling people what to do and taking on a title.
Understand the people that surround you, and get to know their values.
Communicate your values to each person on your "team" and why they're important. If you don't know what your values are, take some time out of your busy day and identify your values (health, family, financial, etc.).
Show your teammates that you can be their leader.
Help your teammates define and understand their values.
Leverage your team's values in managing them as individuals. If health is important to them, give them time to go to the gym and work out. If their family is important, respect the time they may need to send their kids off to school in the morning or pick them up in the afternoon. Remember, our values are what makes us "tick". If you manage by respecting your team's values, they will give you 110% of their effort.
Have a plan and share the plan with your team.
Make sure to explain to your team that you will back them up if they're executing your plan.
Celebrate success - high 5 your teammates, take them to lunch, etc....
Read books on coaching, leadership etc...
Always ask for feedback from your teammates
Leaders make mistakes and are not afraid to admit them
Be positive - always end any comment with a positive statement - i.e. "you're doing a great job! I like what you're doing!"
Try to avoid using the words "but" and "not"
Try yourself in online manager games such as, ...
If you're being taken advantage of, you must dicipline individuals. Make sure that you have spoken to them about any issues that are out of the normal guidelines and that you have documented it. Confront them immediately--don't wait until it's out of control and someone else has to communicate it to you.

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